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RealWorldSexTime: 10 minutes

Lady M and I watched the Savage Lovecast Live last Tuesday...we were super excited because Dan decided to answer a question we asked about being MLNPstars and having children. Dan gave us a fabulous answer and even mentioned the MLNP website and Cindy's mission...loved it!! When we were reading the other questions that were coming up in the chat before the Lovecast started, I noticed one that mentioned hands-free orgasms for men. This got me to thinking about the times I have tried that, and let me tell you, it feels amazing if you can make it happen! My 'problem', as you will see in this video, is that I have a really hard time keeping my hands off myself ;-) I asked Lady M if she thought that might make a good MLNP video and she was super supportive of the, this morning, I woke up and thought, "Today is the day." I turned to Lady M and said that I wanted to make that video I had mentioned, she smiled, wished me well, and went to have her morning cup of hot lemon water. 20 minutes later I was sitting beside her again and we had a few good laughs editing this one...enjoy! Made with love... Malimi


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